In 30 of 33 human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sera and in 10 sera from MRL/l mice with spontaneous SLE, antibodies against heparan sulfate were detected. The anti-heparan sulfate titers showed a significant correlation with the anti-DNA antibody titers. By inhibition studies it was demonstrated that heparan sulfate could inhibit the binding of anti-DNA antibodies to DNA, whereas DNA could block the binding to heparan sulfate. That this reaction is due to crossreactivity of anti-DNA antibodies was further substantiated by the finding that two monoclonal anti-DNA antibodies also bound to heparan sulfate. Antibodies eluted from human and mouse kidneys with diffuse SLE glomerulonephritis showed a similar binding to DNA and heparan sulfate when these eluted antibodies were tested in vitro. Heparan sulfate is the major glycosaminoglycan constituent of the glomerular basement membrane. Our findings suggest that heparan sulfate might serve as a target antigen in vivo for cross-reactive anti-DNA antibodies.
P Faaber, T P Rijke, L B van de Putte, P J Capel, J H Berden