This study investigates the pathways of origin of chylomicron phosphatidylcholine (PC) using a lymph- and bile-fistulated rat infused with a stabilized triolein emulsion. [14C-glycerol]PC was used to evaluate chylomicron PC generated by lyso PC acyltransferase. The percentage of chylomicron PC derived from the PC infused was directly proportional to the PC concentration in the infusate. When the infusate PC concentration was 10 mM, essentially all the chylomicron PC was derived therefrom at 4-6 h of infusion. Incorporation of the radiolabel was not found to be as great in the lymph subnatant PC as in chylomicron PC, suggesting that chylomicron and lymph subnatant PC might be supplied from different PC precursor pools.
Charles M. Mansbach II