Canine marrow erythroid colony growth is enhanced by agents linked to the adenyl cyclase/cyclic AMP (cAMP) system, including cAMP, a phosphodieterase inhibitor (RO-20-1724), cholera enterotoxin, and beta-adrenergic agonists. The adrenergic effect is mediated by receptors having beta2-subspecificity. These receptors are distinct from putative receptors for erythropoietin and those acted upon by cholera enterotoxin. In addition, the population of cells most responsive to beta-agonists is distinct from the majority of erythropoientin-responsive cells, perhaps representing a subpopulation of this class of cell. This demonstration of an adenyl cyclase-linked mechanism regulating mammalian erythroid colony growth provides a model for the modulation by other hormones or small molecules of in vitro and, perhaps, in vivo erythropoiesis.
J E Brown, J W Adamson
Title and authors | Publication | Year |
The Influence of Thyroid Hormones on In Vitro Erythropoiesis MEDIATION BY A RECEPTOR WITH BETA ADRENERGIC PROPERTIES
WJ Popovic, JE Brown, JW Adamson |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1977 |
Regulation of Hemoglobin Synthesis during the Development of the Red Cell
AW Nienhuis, EJ Benz |
New England Journal of Medicine | 1977 |