
Palmitate, glucose, and glycerol oxidation to CO2 have been investigated in the fasted state in ten normal subjects and nine patients (six hyperlipoproteinemias, one xanthomatosis, and two glycogenosis) after intravenous injection of [1-14C]palmitate, [1-14C]glucose, or [1-14C]glycerol in tracer amounts. The specific activities and concentrations of plasma palmitate, glycerol, or glucose and expired CO2 were measured at various intervals after the injection for a period of 24 h. All the studies were analyzed in terms of a multicompartment model describing the structure for each of the subsystems, the transfer of carbon label between subsystems, and the oxidation to CO2. A bicarbonate subsystem was also included in the model to account for its role in shaping the CO2 curves.


C. L. Malmendier, C. Delcroix, M. Berman


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