
“Cold” thyroid nodules do not concentrate 131I before or after thyrotropin (TSH) administration. In an attempt to elucidate the reason for this TSH unresponsiveness, the effect of TSH in vitro on several metabolic parameters was studied in 11 “cold” thyroid adenomas, 2 medullary carcinomas, and in the surrounding normal thyroid tissue. Basal adenyl cyclase activity, glucose-1-14C oxidation, and 32P incorporation into phospholipids were significantly greater in the adenomas than in the adjacent normal thyroid; basal cyclic 3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) concentration and adenine-3H incorporation into 3H-labeled cyclic AMP were not different. In adenomas as well as normal thyroid, all parameters responded significantly to in vitro TSH stimulation. The response to TSH of adenyl cyclase activity and 32P incorporation was enhanced in adenomas compared with that of the adjacent normal thyroid. These differences were not explained by an increased cellularity of the adenomas. Medullary carcinomas did not respond to TSH in any of the above parameters.


Frederick DeRubertis, Kamejiro Yamashita, Andrew Dekker, P. Reed Larsen, James B. Field


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