R R Cavalieri, G L Searle
Title and authors | Publication | Year |
A minimal human physiologically based kinetic model of thyroid hormones and chemical disruption of plasma thyroid hormone binding proteins
Bagga AD, Johnson BP, Zhang Q |
Frontiers in Endocrinology | 2023 |
Intrathyroidal feedforward and feedback network regulating thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion
Jing L, Zhang Q |
Frontiers in Endocrinology | 2022 |
The Retinol Circulating Complex Releases Hormonal Ligands During Acute Stress Disorders
Y Ingenbleek |
Frontiers in Endocrinology | 2018 |
Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric
M Gurnell, TJ Visser, P Beck-Peccoz, VK Chatterjee |
Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric | 2016 |
C Napier, SH Pearce |
Endocrinology | 2016 |
Plasma Transthyretin as a Biomarker of Lean Body Mass and Catabolic States
Y Ingenbleek, LH Bernstein |
Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) | 2015 |
Advances in Clinical Chemistry
M Mahler |
Advances in Clinical Chemistry Volume 54 | 2011 |
A Physiological Systems Model for Iodine for Use in Radiation Protection
RW Leggett |
Radiation Research | 2010 |
The stressful condition as a nutritionally dependent adaptive dichotomy
Y Ingenbleek, L Bernstein |
Nutrition | 1999 |
Hormone-specific alterations of T4, T3, and reverse T3 metabolism with recent ethanol abstinence in humans
EM Kaptein |
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism | 1997 |
T4 uptake into the perfused rat liver and liver T4 uptake in humans are inhibited by fructose
MD Jong, R Docter, BF Bernard, JT van der Heijden, H Toor, EP Krenning, G Hennemann |
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism | 1994 |
Reduced tissue thyroid hormone levels in fatal illness
R Arem, GJ Wiener, SG Kaplan, HS Kim, S Reichlin, MM Kaplan |
Metabolism | 1993 |
Thyroid gland size and function in patients with cirrhosis of the liver
GP Bianchi, M Zoli, G Marchesini, U Volta, F Vecchi, T Iervese, C Bonazzi, E Pisi |
Liver | 1991 |
Thyroid Function & Disease
JH Oppenheimer |
Thyroid Function & Disease | 1990 |
Modeling thyroxine transport to liver: rejection of the "enhanced dissociation" hypothesis as applied to thyroxine
CM Mendel |
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism | 1989 |
Uptake of thyroxine by the perfused rat liver: implications for the free hormone hypothesis
CM Mendel, RR Cavalieri, RA Weisiger |
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism | 1988 |
Plasma protein-mediated transport of steroid and thyroid hormones
WM Pardridge |
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism | 1987 |
JR Stockig, JW Barlow |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine | 1985 |
Thyroid Hormones and the Liver
P Sheridan |
1983 | |
Peripheral serum thyroxine, triiodothyronine and reverse triiodothyronine kinetics in the low thyroxine state of acute nonthyroidal illnesses. A noncompartmental analysis
EM Kaptein, WJ Robinson, DA Grieb, JT Nicoloff |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1982 |
Inhibition of Hepatic Binding of Thyroxine by Cholecystographic Agents
JV Felicetta, WL Green, WB Nelp |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1980 |
Regulation of the Conversion of Thyroxine to Triiodothyronine in the Perfused Rat Liver
AS Jennings, DC Ferguson, RD Utiger |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1979 |
Elevated Basal and Abnormal Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone-Induced Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Secretion in Chronic Alcoholic Men with Liver Disease
DH van Thiel, WI Smith, C Wight, J Abuid |
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research | 1979 |
Gut-thyroid interrelationships
LJ Miller, CA Gorman, VL Go |
Gastroenterology | 1978 |
CM Aickin, S Fraser, E Cooper, G Hall, CW Burke |
Clinical Endocrinology | 1977 |
JR Green, EJ Snitcher, NA Mowat, RP Ekins, LH Rees, AM Dawson |
Clinical Endocrinology | 1977 |
Streptokinase Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis of the Lower Extremity
E Johansson, K Ericson, S Zetterquist |
Acta Medica Scandinavica | 1976 |
Factors Influencing the Early Plasma Disappearance Rate and Liver Uptake of Thyroxine
G Järnerot, SC Truelove, GT Warner, B Kågedal, H Schenck |
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences | 1976 |
Peripheral distribution and metabolism of the thyroid hormones: A primarily quantitative assessment
JJ DiStefano, DA Fisher |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology | 1976 |
Estimation of thyroxine and triiodothyronine distribution and of the conversion rate of thyroxine to triiodothyronine in man
M Inada, K Kasagi, S Kurata, Y Kazama, H Takayama, K Torizuka, M Fukase, T Soma |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1975 |
Reduced peripheral conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine in patients with hepatic cirrhosis
S Nomura, CS Pittman, JB Chambers, MW Buck, T Shimizu |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1975 |
G Järnerot, SC Truelove, GT Warner |
Acta Medica Scandinavica | 1975 |
Relative Rates of Transcapillary Movement of Free Thyroxine, Protein-Bound Thyroxine, Thyroxine-Binding Proteins, and Albumin
CH Irvine, MW Simpson-Morgan |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1974 |
The effect of surgical operation of moderate severity on thyroid function
R Kirby, FC And, ID Johnston |
Clinical Endocrinology | 1973 |
Effect of Insulin Induced Hypoglycemia on Thyroid Function and Thyroxine Turnover
C Blum, C Cornette, C Beckers |
European Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1973 |
Neurohumoral and Metabolic Aspects of Injury: Proceeding of the IUPS Satellite Symposium held August 3–7, 1971, in Budapest, Hungary
AG Kovách, HB Stoner, JJ Spitzer |
1973 | |
Evidence for Enhanced Cellular Uptake and Binding of Thyroxine In Vivo during Acute Infection with Diplococcus pneumoniae
FR DeRubertis, KA Woeber |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1972 |
Study of Four New Kindreds with Inherited Thyroxine-Binding Globulin Abnormalities POSSIBLE MUTATIONS OF A SINGLE GENE LOCUS
S Refetoff, NI Robin, CA Alper |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1972 |
A functional model of early thyroxine distribution in man
L Benetazzo, B Busnardo, G Clemente |
Medical & Biological Engineering | 1972 |
Pharmacokinetics of desmethylimipramine and nortriptyline in man after single and multiple oral doses ? A cross-over study
B Alexanderson |
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | 1972 |
Thyroiditis and Thyroid Function
P Bastenie |
Thyroiditis and Thyroid Function | 1972 |
Einflu� von Phenobarbital auf die Schilddr�senfunktion bei Wistar-und Gunnratten: Versuche mit 125J-Thyroxin
D Lders |
European Journal of Pediatrics | 1972 |
Effects of Norethandrolone on the Transport and Peripheral Metabolism of Thyroxine in Patients Lacking Thyroxine-Binding Globulin OBSERVATIONS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ROLE OF THYROXINE-BINDING PREALBUMIN
LE Braverman, T AvRuskin, MJ Cullen, AG Vagenakis, SH Ingbar |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1971 |
The effects of an acute load of thyroxine on the transport and peripheral metabolism of triiodothyronine in man
KA Woeber, E Hecker, SH Ingbar |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1970 |
Differences in primary cellular factors influencing the metabolism and distribution of 3,5,3′- JH Oppenheimer, HL Schwartz, HC Shapiro, G Bernstein, MI Surks |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1970 |
The distribution kinetics of triiodothyronine: studies of euthyroid subjects with decreased plasma thyroxine-binding globulin and patients with Graves' disease
RR Cavalieri, M Steinberg, GL Searle |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1970 |
The effect of diphenylhydantoin on thyroxine metabolism in man
PR Larsen, AJ Atkinson, HN Wellman, RE Goldsmith |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1970 |
The permanence of tissue binding of thyroxine in the rat
WA Harland, JS Orr |
The Journal of Physiology | 1970 |
Albumin synthesis in cirrhotic subjects with ascites studied with carbonate-14C
MA Rothschild, M Oratz, D Zimmon, SS Schreiber, I Weiner, AV Caneghem |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1969 |
Proceedings of the 1968 Laurentian Hormone Conference
GW Liddle, WE Nicholson, DP Island, DN Orth, K Abe, SC Lowder |
Proceedings of the 1968 Laurentian Hormone Conference | 1969 |
Estimation of thyroxine distribution in man
JT Nicoloff, JT Dowling |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1968 |
Thyroid hormone transport in the serum of patients with thyrotoxic graves' disease before and after treatment
LE Braverman, AE Foster, SH Ingbar |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1968 |
Increased thyroxine turnover and thyroidal function after stimulation of hepatocellular binding of thyroxine by phenobarbital
JH Oppenheimer, G Bernstein, MI Surks |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1968 |
Studies of peripheral thyroxine distribution in thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism
JT Nicoloff, JT Dowling |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1968 |
Role of Plasma Proteins in the Binding, Distribution and Metabolism of the Thyroid Hormones
JH Oppenheimer |
New England Journal of Medicine | 1968 |
Effects of ethyl chlorophenoxyisobutyrate on thyroxine distribution, transport and metabolism in man
BU Musa, JT Ogilvie, JT Dowling |
Metabolism | 1968 |
Estimation of Rapidly Exchangeable Cellular Thyroxine from the Plasma Disappearance Curves of Simultaneously Administered Thyroxine-131I and Albumin-125I JH Oppenheimer, G Bernstein, J Hasen |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1967 |