The inhibitor of NF-κB (I-κB) kinase (IKK) complex consists of 3 subunits, IKK1, IKK2, and NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO), and is involved in the activation of NF-κB by various stimuli. IKK2 or NEMO constitutive knockout mice die during embryogenesis as a result of massive hepatic apoptosis. Therefore, we examined the role of IKK2 in TNF-induced apoptosis and ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in the liver by using conditional knockout mice. Hepatocyte-specific ablation of IKK2 did not lead to impaired activation of NF-κB or increased apoptosis after TNF-α stimulation whereas conditional NEMO knockout resulted in complete block of NF-κB activation and massive hepatocyte apoptosis. In a model of partial hepatic I/R injury, mice lacking IKK2 in hepatocytes displayed significantly reduced liver necrosis and inflammation than wild-type mice. AS602868, a novel chemical inhibitor of IKK2, protected mice from liver injury due to I/R without sensitizing them toward TNF-induced apoptosis and could therefore emerge as a new pharmacological therapy for liver resection, hemorrhagic shock, or transplantation surgery.
Tom Luedde, Ulrike Assmus, Torsten Wüstefeld, Andreas Meyer zu Vilsendorf, Tania Roskams, Mark Schmidt-Supprian, Klaus Rajewsky, David A. Brenner, Michael P. Manns, Manolis Pasparakis, Christian Trautwein
Submitter: Tom Luedde |
Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
Published September 6, 2005
We appreciate the interest of Leffert, Maeda and Karin in our study, who, with their previous work, have contributed significantly towards the understanding of the function of the NF-κB signaling pathway in the liver. In their letter, Leffert et al. refer to the differences between their own experiments published earlier (1) and our findings reported in the current study (2).
Submitter: Hyam Leffert |
University of California, San Diego
Published August 24, 2005
We wish to take issue with the conclusion of T. Luedde et al that targeted deletion of hepatocyte IKKβ does not sensitize hepatocytes to TNFα-induced apoptosis.1 On the contrary, our prior study showed unequivocally that hepatocyte IKKβ is required for prevention of apoptosis mediated by cell-bound but not by circulating TNFα (ref. 2).
To circumvent the problem of embryonic lethality and enable investigation of the role of IKKβ in liver function and hepatocarcinogenesis3, we generated the conditional knockout mouse strain called IkkβΔhep in two steps. First, we created a new strain of normal mice called IkkβF/F. These animals carry an homozygous 'floxed' IKKβ allele in which bacteriophage loxP recombination targets of Cre recombinase flank the catalytic kinase domain in exon 3 of the Ikkβ gene. In the second step, IkkβF/F mice were crossed with Alb-Cre transgenic mice4 to generate IkkβΔhep mice. In crosses of this kind, Cre-mediated excision of floxed alleles, driven by the hepatocyte-specific albumin enhancer-promoter, is delayed until perinatal life2-5; and, IkkβΔhepprogeny homozygous for both alleles undergo normal embryonic development, growth and lifespan2,3.
In contrast, Luedde et al reported on studies with a different hepatocyte-specific IKKβ-knock-out mouse Ikk2Δhepa) generated with floxed exons 6-to-7-Ikk2f/f and Alfp-Cre strains1. Owing to early developmental activation of the Alfp-cre construct, the Ikk2 deletion is created embryonically early in prenatal life. Under these conditions, we would expect that Ikk2 Δhepa mice undergo significant embryonic lethality, with targeted survivors generated in a non-Mendelian fashion.
In their Discussion, Luedde et al. suggested that the deleted IKKβ allele in IkkβΔhep mice generates a dominant negative mutation1. This is extremely unlikely because the IkkβΔhep deletion generates a frame shift that destabilizes the mRNA in these mice. Therefore, IKKβ is a true null mutation in IkkβΔhep mice. In addition, in IkkβΔhep-deleted hepatocytes, IKKα is easily immunoprecipitated with IKKγ (NEMO)2, whereas, in contrast to statements in Luedde et al, a dominant negative mutation would disrupt such interaction. Therefore we believe that Luedde et al's explanation for the different results between the different targeted Ikkβ knockout strains is quite unlikely. Instead, we suggest that precocious IKKβ deletion occurs easily in Ikk2 Δhepa mice giving rise to significant embryonic lethality. Possibly, in their system, the Ikk2 Δhepa mice who survive upregulate IKKα or undergo other molecular changes and these other changes – not targeted IKKβ-deletion -- may account for the results they report.
We think, given our earlier publication on this topic, that the burden of proof should have been placed on Luedde et al. Yet there is hardly any biochemical characterization of the effect of the mutation on the composition of the IKK complex, nor mention of the fact that many of their mutant mice might die in utero or evidence provided to the contrary.
1Luedde T, Assmus U, Wustefeld T, Meyer zu Vilsendorf A, Roskams T, Schmidt-Supprian M, Rajewsky K, Brenner DA, Manns MP, Pasparakis M, Trautwein C. Deletion of IKK2 in hepatocytes does not sensitize these cells to TNF-induced apoptosis but protects from ischemia/reperfusion injury. J Clin Invest. 115:849-859, 2005.
2Maeda S, Chang L, Li Z-W, Luo J-L, Leffert H, Karin M. IKKβ is required for prevention of apoptosis mediated by cell-bound but not by circulating TNFα. Immunity 19:725-737, 2003.
3Maeda S, Kamata H, Luo J-L, Leffert H, Karin M. IKKβ couples hepatocyte death to cytokine-driven compensatory proliferation that promotes chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. Cell 121: 977-990, 2005.
4Postic C, Shiota M, Niswender KD, Jetton TL, Chen Y, Moates JM, Shelton KD, Lindner J, Cherrington AD, Magnuson MA. Dual roles for glucokinase in glucose homeostasis as determined by liver and pancreatic beta cell-specific gene knock-outs using Cre recombinase. J Biol Chem. 274:305-315, 1999.
5Postic C, Magnuson MA. DNA excision in liver by an albumin-Cre transgene occurs progressively with age. Genesis 26:149-150, 2000.
Shin Maeda Division of Gastroenterology
The Institute for Adult Diseases Asahi Life Foundation
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0005
Hyam Leffert and Michael Karin
Department of Pharmacology
University of California at San Diego La Jolla CA 92093