ATAC Primer Tool for targeted analysis of accessible chromatin

KE Yost, AC Carter, J Xu, U Litzenburger, HY Chang - Nature methods, 2018 -
Nature methods,
To the Editor: ATAC-seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput
sequencing) enables rapid, genomewide analysis of chromatin accessibility in a variety of
cell types1. However, follow-up and hypothesis-driven analyses typically focus on only a
small subset of these DNA elements. To facilitate high-throughput, low-cost analysis of
chromatin accessibility, we developed ATAC Primer Tool (APT) for primer design and the
identification of accurate normalization controls for ATAC-qPCR
To the Editor: ATAC-seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing) enables rapid, genomewide analysis of chromatin accessibility in a variety of cell types1. However, follow-up and hypothesis-driven analyses typically focus on only a small subset of these DNA elements. To facilitate high-throughput, low-cost analysis of chromatin accessibility, we developed ATAC Primer Tool (APT) for primer design and the identification of accurate normalization controls for ATAC-qPCR