T cell antigen receptor recognition of antigen-presenting molecules
The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) locus encodes classical MHC class I and MHC
class II molecules and nonclassical MHC-I molecules. The architecture of these molecules is
ideally suited to capture and present an array of peptide antigens (Ags). In addition, the CD1
family members and MR1 are MHC class I–like molecules that bind lipid-based Ags and
vitamin B precursors, respectively. These Ag-bound molecules are subsequently recognized
by T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) expressed on the surface of T lymphocytes. Structural …
class II molecules and nonclassical MHC-I molecules. The architecture of these molecules is
ideally suited to capture and present an array of peptide antigens (Ags). In addition, the CD1
family members and MR1 are MHC class I–like molecules that bind lipid-based Ags and
vitamin B precursors, respectively. These Ag-bound molecules are subsequently recognized
by T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) expressed on the surface of T lymphocytes. Structural …