The role and importance of brown adipose tissue in energy homeostasis
AM Cypess, CR Kahn - Current opinion in pediatrics, 2010 -
AM Cypess, CR Kahn
Current opinion in pediatrics, 2010•journals.lww.comAdult humans have functional BAT, which plays a role in energy balance. BAT is more
prevalent in children, suggesting an even greater physiological role than that seen in adults.
Future studies will identify safe ways to quantify BAT mass and activity and which
interventions might be used to increase BAT mass, thermogenesis, or both to treat obesity.
prevalent in children, suggesting an even greater physiological role than that seen in adults.
Future studies will identify safe ways to quantify BAT mass and activity and which
interventions might be used to increase BAT mass, thermogenesis, or both to treat obesity.
Adult humans have functional BAT, which plays a role in energy balance. BAT is more prevalent in children, suggesting an even greater physiological role than that seen in adults. Future studies will identify safe ways to quantify BAT mass and activity and which interventions might be used to increase BAT mass, thermogenesis, or both to treat obesity.