Bioenergetic function in cardiovascular cells: the importance of the reserve capacity and its biological regulation
The ability of the cell to generate sufficient energy through oxidative phosphorylation and to
maintain healthy pools of mitochondria are critical for survival and maintenance of normal
biological function, especially during periods of increased oxidative stress. Mitochondria in
most cardiovascular cells function at a basal level that only draws upon a small fraction of
the total bioenergetic capability of the organelle; the apparent respiratory state of
mitochondria in these cells is often close to state 4. The difference between the basal and …
maintain healthy pools of mitochondria are critical for survival and maintenance of normal
biological function, especially during periods of increased oxidative stress. Mitochondria in
most cardiovascular cells function at a basal level that only draws upon a small fraction of
the total bioenergetic capability of the organelle; the apparent respiratory state of
mitochondria in these cells is often close to state 4. The difference between the basal and …