The osteoclast: friend or foe?
DV Novack, SL Teitelbaum - Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis., 2008 -
Bone is a dynamic organ constantly remodeled to support calcium homeostasis and
structural needs. The osteoclast is the cell responsible for removing both the organic and
inorganic components of bone. It is derived from hematopoietic progenitors in the
macrophage lineage and differentiates in response to the tumor necrosis factor family
cytokine receptor activator of NFκB ligand. αvβ3 integrin mediates cell adhesion necessary
for polarization and formation of an isolated, acidified resorptive microenvironment. Defects …
structural needs. The osteoclast is the cell responsible for removing both the organic and
inorganic components of bone. It is derived from hematopoietic progenitors in the
macrophage lineage and differentiates in response to the tumor necrosis factor family
cytokine receptor activator of NFκB ligand. αvβ3 integrin mediates cell adhesion necessary
for polarization and formation of an isolated, acidified resorptive microenvironment. Defects …