Anti-ageing pill pushed as bona fide drug
EC Hayden - Nature, 2015 -
EC Hayden
Nature, 2015•go.gale.comDoctors and scientists want drug regulators and research funding agencies to consider
medicines that delay ageing-related disease as legitimate drugs. Such treatments have a
physiological basis, researchers say, and could extend a person's healthy years by slowing
down the processes that underlie common diseases of ageing-making them worthy of
government approval. On 24 June, researchers will meet with regulators from the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to make the case for a clinical trial designed to show the …
medicines that delay ageing-related disease as legitimate drugs. Such treatments have a
physiological basis, researchers say, and could extend a person's healthy years by slowing
down the processes that underlie common diseases of ageing-making them worthy of
government approval. On 24 June, researchers will meet with regulators from the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to make the case for a clinical trial designed to show the …
Doctors and scientists want drug regulators and research funding agencies to consider medicines that delay ageing-related disease as legitimate drugs. Such treatments have a physiological basis, researchers say, and could extend a person's healthy years by slowing down the processes that underlie common diseases of ageing-making them worthy of government approval. On 24 June, researchers will meet with regulators from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make the case for a clinical trial designed to show the validity of the approach.
Current treatments for diseases related to ageing" just exchange one disease for another", says physician Nir Barzilai of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. That is because people treated for one age-related disease often go on to die from another relatively soon thereafter." What we want to show is that if we delay ageing, that's the best way to delay disease."