Dual-channel in-situ optical imaging system for quantifying lipid uptake and lymphatic pump function
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2012•spiedigitallibrary.org
Nearly all dietary lipids are transported from the intestine to venous circulation through the
lymphatic system, yet the mechanisms that regulate this process remain unclear. Elucidating
the mechanisms involved in the functional response of lymphatics to changes in lipid load
would provide valuable insight into recent implications of lymphatic dysfunction in lipid
related diseases. Therefore, we sought to develop an in situ imaging system to quantify and
correlate lymphatic function as it relates to lipid transport. The imaging platform provides the …
lymphatic system, yet the mechanisms that regulate this process remain unclear. Elucidating
the mechanisms involved in the functional response of lymphatics to changes in lipid load
would provide valuable insight into recent implications of lymphatic dysfunction in lipid
related diseases. Therefore, we sought to develop an in situ imaging system to quantify and
correlate lymphatic function as it relates to lipid transport. The imaging platform provides the …
Nearly all dietary lipids are transported from the intestine to venous circulation through the lymphatic system, yet the mechanisms that regulate this process remain unclear. Elucidating the mechanisms involved in the functional response of lymphatics to changes in lipid load would provide valuable insight into recent implications of lymphatic dysfunction in lipid related diseases. Therefore, we sought to develop an in situ imaging system to quantify and correlate lymphatic function as it relates to lipid transport. The imaging platform provides the capability of dual-channel imaging of both high-speed bright-field video and fluorescence simultaneously. Utilizing post-acquisition image processing algorithms, we can quantify correlations between vessel pump function, lymph flow, and lipid concentration of mesenteric lymphatic vessels in situ. All image analysis is automated with customized LabVIEW virtual instruments; local flow is measured through lymphocyte velocity tracking, vessel contraction through measurements of the vessel wall displacement, and lipid uptake through fluorescence intensity tracking of an orally administered fluorescently labelled fatty acid analogue, BODIPY FL . This system will prove to be an invaluable tool for scientists studying intestinal lymphatic function in health and disease, and those investigating strategies for targeting the lymphatics with orally delivered drugs to avoid first pass metabolism.