[PDF][PDF] Presidential address to the American Society for Clinical Investigation, Baltimore, Maryland, 2-6 May 1992.

E Benz - The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1992 - jci.org
E Benz
The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1992jci.org
Thank you for granting me the singular privilege of serving as President of the ASCI during
this past year. After I learned of my election last spring I looked up the list of my
predecessors. The previous presidents of the ASCI comprise a very impressive group. The
list includes a Nobellaureate, members of the National Academy of Sciences and the
Institute of Medicine, a cornucopia of deans and department chairs, founders ofgreat
departments of medicine, editors of our premier clinical and research journals, and authors …
Thank you for granting me the singular privilege of serving as President of the ASCI during this past year. After I learned of my election last spring I looked up the list of my predecessors. The previous presidents of the ASCI comprise a very impressive group. The list includes a Nobellaureate, members of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine, a cornucopia of deans and department chairs, founders ofgreat departments of medicine, editors of our premier clinical and research journals, and authors of landmark textbooks. I feel deeply honored that you have seen fit to allow me to add my name to this list.
I haveenjoyed being President. The duties are few; the ef-fort required is modest. It is well documented that no ASCI president has ever suffered excessively from overwork due to the demands of the office. The president helps to organize this spring meeting, presides at the mid-winter council meeting during which we pick our new members, deals with occasional matters of policy and finance that arise, and, most importantly, nods obediently when the JCI editor speaks from atop his trust fund. These tasks were, for me, far more pleasurable than tax-ing because they were done in conjunction with an outstanding group of officers and councilors who quickly became my friends. I wouldlike to thank thecouncil members with whom I have worked during my five years as councilor, president elect, and president, and to acknowledge their contributions to the Society. Theirfriendship and collegial approach to their responsibilities made my time as an officer thoroughly enjoyable.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation