pp60v-src induction of cyclin D1 requires collaborative interactions between the extracellular signal-regulated kinase, p38, and Jun kinase pathways: a role for cAMP …

RJ Lee, C Albanese, RJ Stenger, G Watanabe… - Journal of Biological …, 1999 - jbc.org
The cyclin D1 gene is overexpressed in breast tumors and encodes a regulatory subunit of
cyclin-dependent kinases that phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein. pp60 c-src activity
is frequently increased in breast tumors; however, the mechanisms governing pp60 c-src
regulation of the cell cycle in breast epithelium are poorly understood. In these studies, pp60
v-src induced cyclin D1 protein levels and promoter activity (48-fold) in MCF7 cells. Cyclin
D1-associated kinase activity and protein levels were increased in mammary tumors from …