[PDF][PDF] The distribution of secondary growths in cancer of the breast.
S Paget - The Lancet, 1889 - integrative-cancer-care.org
S Paget
The Lancet, 1889•integrative-cancer-care.orgnormal. Plantar reflexes very brislc, causing movement of the whole limb. Cremasteric and
abdominal reflexes normal. The tendon reflexes in the arms are diminished. Contractions of
muscles to direct percussion of their mass not well obtained. No ankle-clonus. Sensation of
all kinds quite normal; he has never at any time suffered any pain. Hear-ing, smell, taste, and
sight good. Pupils equal; act well to light and accommodation. No paralysis of any ocular
muscle. There is well-marked lateral nystagmus when the eyes are moved to the outer or …
abdominal reflexes normal. The tendon reflexes in the arms are diminished. Contractions of
muscles to direct percussion of their mass not well obtained. No ankle-clonus. Sensation of
all kinds quite normal; he has never at any time suffered any pain. Hear-ing, smell, taste, and
sight good. Pupils equal; act well to light and accommodation. No paralysis of any ocular
muscle. There is well-marked lateral nystagmus when the eyes are moved to the outer or …
normal. Plantar reflexes very brislc, causing movement of the whole limb. Cremasteric and abdominal reflexes normal. The tendon reflexes in the arms are diminished. Contractions of muscles to direct percussion of their mass not well obtained. No ankle-clonus. Sensation of all kinds quite normal; he has never at any time suffered any pain. Hear-ing, smell, taste, and sight good. Pupils equal; act well to light and accommodation. No paralysis of any ocular muscle. There is well-marked lateral nystagmus when the eyes are moved to the outer or inner canthus, but not otherwise. The optic discs and fundi are healthy. Speech is slow and rather hesitating, and at times jerky, with elision of syllables. Intelligence good. He can repeat a number of chapters from the Bible, and is very fond of reading. There are no trophic or vaso-motor symptoms. He suffers from consti-pation; there is no loss of control over the sphincters; the pulse is regular; the muscles seem occasionally to be a little stiff on first being called into action.(See engraving.) CASE 2.-Isaac A-, aged eleven, is an intelligent boy, and looks healthy. Since the age of four his mother con-siders that he has been" restless," and that this restlessness increases. He often falls down when walking, and runs in a zig-zag way-ie, from side to side, like a drunken man. He has had no fits or any bad illness. As he sits lie lets his head fall back or from side to side, and keeps his mouth open; this gives him a stupid appearance; at the same time there are rocking movements of head and trunk. Standing with feet together, there is well-marked static ataxia; move-ments of tendons on dorsum of feet, and slight movements of shoulders, head, and arms, whilst the feet are shifted a little from time to time; when his attention is occupied--as by counting" fifty"-these movements become more marked. He stands by choice with his feet apart. None of the movements at all resemble those of chorea. With his eyes shut there is more general unsteadiness and decided increase in the swaying movements of the trunk and head. There are occasionally slight emotional movements about the mouth, not twitching. There is slight nystagmus on extreme convergence of the eyes. The pupils are equal, and act well to light and accommodation. Sensation and muscular sense normal, muscles firm, and strength fair. Special senses normal. Speech good. The tendon reflexes in the upper limbs were not obtained. The knee-jerk on the left side was about normal; that on the right diminished, but present. Plantar and other superficial reflexes normal. His gait is a little unsteady, and he is quite unable to stand on one leg. The movements of the upper limbs show some ataxy, which becomes more marked when the eyes are shut.