A review on the vascular features of the hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
H Yavuz, R Chee - Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 2010 - academic.oup.com
H Yavuz, R Chee
Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 2010•academic.oup.comAutosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and the sporadic forms of hyperimmunoglobulin
E syndrome (HIES) are multi-system disorders. Although HIES patients may present with
cold abscesses, the vascular features of HIES are not well recognized. The objective of this
review is to characterize the nature and spectrum of vascular abnormalities in HIES patients.
Vascular abnormalities in HIES patients were reviewed with Medline and Google Scholar-
based searches. In brief, the searches combined terms related to HIES with the terms related …
E syndrome (HIES) are multi-system disorders. Although HIES patients may present with
cold abscesses, the vascular features of HIES are not well recognized. The objective of this
review is to characterize the nature and spectrum of vascular abnormalities in HIES patients.
Vascular abnormalities in HIES patients were reviewed with Medline and Google Scholar-
based searches. In brief, the searches combined terms related to HIES with the terms related …
Autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and the sporadic forms of hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome (HIES) are multi-system disorders. Although HIES patients may present with cold abscesses, the vascular features of HIES are not well recognized. The objective of this review is to characterize the nature and spectrum of vascular abnormalities in HIES patients. Vascular abnormalities in HIES patients were reviewed with Medline and Google Scholar-based searches. In brief, the searches combined terms related to HIES with the terms related to vasculature. Furthermore, reference lists from the original studies and review papers identified were screened. There were vascular abnormalities in 25 patients with HIES. These abnormalities were identified as aneurysms (coronary, aortic, carotid and cerebral), pseudoaneurysms, congenital patent ductus venosus, superior vena cava syndrome, vasculitides, vascular ectasia, thrombosis and others. They may be congenital or acquired, in the veins and arteries, affecting both sexes. These abnormalities can be seen in all subtypes of HIES. They could be also fatal in children and adults. Limited pathological investigations revealed the presence of vasculitis. Three of the patients were found to have overlap diseases. In this review, the spectrum of vascular abnormalities in HIES are documented and discussed in detail for the first time. They highlight a previously under-recognized and potentially devastating complication of these disorders. These vascular abnormalities constitute one of the major clinical characteristics in HIES. The presence of hypereosinophilia, vasculitis and defective angiogenesis in HIES may contribute to the formation of vascular abnormalities in HIES.