Gene therapy-mediated expression by tumor cells of the angiogenesis inhibitor flk-1 results in inhibition of neuroblastoma growth in vivo
AM Davidoff, MA Leary, CYC Ng, EF Vanin - Journal of pediatric surgery, 2001 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE:: Preventing tumors from forming new blood vessels appears to
be an effective new anticancer approach. Antiangiogenic therapy usually is cytostatic,
however, and, therefore, long-term angiogenesis inhibition is likely to be required. The
objective of this study was to determine if sustained gene therapy-mediated expression of
these agents from tumor cells could restrict tumor growth in vivo. METHODS:: Two
replication-defective retroviral vectors were made, one encoding both the soluble, truncated …
be an effective new anticancer approach. Antiangiogenic therapy usually is cytostatic,
however, and, therefore, long-term angiogenesis inhibition is likely to be required. The
objective of this study was to determine if sustained gene therapy-mediated expression of
these agents from tumor cells could restrict tumor growth in vivo. METHODS:: Two
replication-defective retroviral vectors were made, one encoding both the soluble, truncated …