The history of myasthenia gravis
RM Pascuzzi - Neurologic clinics, 1994 -
The first case of myasthenia gravis (MG) was described in 1672. Treatment of MG was
negligible until Mary Walker's seminal observation in 1934 of improvement with
physostigmine and neostigmine injections. Blalock reported the initial success with
thymectomy around 1940. Edrophonium was introduced around 1950 and pyridostigmine in
the mid-1950s. John Simpson's hypothesis of an autoimmune etiology for MG in 1960 was
later proven correct, and subsequent use of immunosuppressive therapy including …
negligible until Mary Walker's seminal observation in 1934 of improvement with
physostigmine and neostigmine injections. Blalock reported the initial success with
thymectomy around 1940. Edrophonium was introduced around 1950 and pyridostigmine in
the mid-1950s. John Simpson's hypothesis of an autoimmune etiology for MG in 1960 was
later proven correct, and subsequent use of immunosuppressive therapy including …