Neonatal handling in eae-susceptible rats altersNGFlevels and mast cell distribution in the brain

L Manni, A Micera, L Pistillo, L Aloe - International journal of developmental …, 1998 - Elsevier
Maternal separation in neonatal rodents causes a wide range of behaviouralandmetabolic
alterations, affecting the physiological response of theneuro-immune-endocrinesystem. For
example, interference with the normal mother-infantinteractions leads to anincreased
susceptibility to experimentally-induced allergicencephalomyelitis (EAE) in adult life. Since it
has been reported that mast cells (MCs) participatein the pathophysiology of theautoimmune
inflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS) and alsoEAE and that brain nervegrowth factor …