HIV-1 biological phenotype in long-term infected individuals evaluated with an MT-2 cocultivation assay
M Koot, AHV Vos, RPM Keet, REY de Goede… - Aids, 1992 -
M Koot, AHV Vos, RPM Keet, REY de Goede, MW Dercksen, FG Terpstra, RA Coutinho…
Aids, 1992•journals.lww.comObjective: We have previously demonstrated that detection of syncytium-inducing (SI) HIV-1
in asymptomatic seropositive individuals is associated with rapid progression to AIDS. In the
present study, we sought to develop and evaluate an HIV-1 phenotyping assay for the
screening of large numbers of individuals. Methods: Efficiency of HIV-1 isolation from patient
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was studied with donqr PBMC or seven
different CD4+ T-cell lines as target cells. The biological phenotype of sequential isolates …
in asymptomatic seropositive individuals is associated with rapid progression to AIDS. In the
present study, we sought to develop and evaluate an HIV-1 phenotyping assay for the
screening of large numbers of individuals. Methods: Efficiency of HIV-1 isolation from patient
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was studied with donqr PBMC or seven
different CD4+ T-cell lines as target cells. The biological phenotype of sequential isolates …
Objective: We have previously demonstrated that detection of syncytium-inducing (SI) HIV-1 in asymptomatic seropositive individuals is associated with rapid progression to AIDS. In the present study, we sought to develop and evaluate an HIV-1 phenotyping assay for the screening of large numbers of individuals.
Methods: Efficiency of HIV-1 isolation from patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was studied with donqr PBMC or seven different CD4+ T-cell lines as target cells. The biological phenotype of sequential isolates from 20 long-term asymptomatic HIV-1-seropositive individuals was determined by two different assays.
Results: Non-SI isolates, efficiently recovered by cocultivation with donor PBMC, were never isolated with T-cell lines as target cells. Direct cocultivation with MT-2 cells, but not with six other CD4+ T-cells, resulted in the efficient recovery of SI isolates. HIV-1 MT-2 tropism and SI capacity were shown to be coupled properties at the clonal level. SI isolates emerged in 10 out of 20 longitudinally-studied individuals. In these long-term infected individuals, appearance of SI isolates was associated with progression to AIDS.
Conclusions: Direct cocultivation of patient PBMC with the MT-2 cell line is a sensitive, specific and convenient method to detect SI isolates. The availability of an assay suitable for the screening of large groups allows further study of the value of HIV-1 biological phenotyping as a prognostic marker.