[CITATION][C] Inflammation and EMT: an alliance towards organ fibrosis and cancer progression. EMBO Mol Med. 2009; 1: 303–14

JM Lopez-Novoa, N MA

[CITATION][C] Inflammation and EMT: an alliance towards organ fibrosis and cancer progression. EMBO Mol Med, 1, 303-14

JM Lopez-Novoa, MA Nieto - 2009

[CITATION][C] EMT: an alliance towards organ fibrosis and cancer progression

JM Lopez-Novoa, NMA Inflammation - EMBO Mol. Med.-2009.-1.-6-7

[CITATION][C] Inflammation and EMT: an alliance towards organ fibrosis and cancer progression. EMBO Mol Med 1, 303–314

JM Lopez-Novoa, MA Nieto - 2009